HillyTech Starter Pvt Ltd

“HillyTech Starter”

Training And Workshops

Hillytechstarter Foundation is committed to promoting innovation and empowering individuals to contribute to a better future. Recognizing the scarcity of platforms for developing sustainable development projects, the foundation organizes competitions, hackathons, and other events to encourage individuals to ideate and develop solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, the foundation offers summer training programs, internships, and seminars to individuals from all domains of society to learn and gain insights into the future’s aspects and develop ideas to restructure things in a sophisticated manner. The foundation believes in empowering individuals and encouraging them to unlock their potential to create a meaningful impact on society.


A platform which can help not only the deserving peoples/leaders from urban society but also from the remote hilly areas to get a global exposure where they can be praised for their contributions towards a sustainable growth.


  • Unavailability of training and workshops to encourage the SDGs amongst youngsters and academicians is a key factor that is limiting the road towards a sustainable world.
  • No such training and workshop were available for people living in remote hilly areas which could have encouraged them to learn skills that can help them to understand and implement the practices for Sustainable Development Goals


  • Organizing events where skilled people will provide complete training on usage and design of intelligent devices that can aid to the sustainable growth.
  • Training local people various skills through which they can be capable enough to develop or maintain various initiatives laid down for sustainable growth of the place.


  • A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job
  • The process by which an athlete prepares for competition by exercising, practicing, etc.
  • A place where things are made or repaired
  • A class or series of classes in which a small group of people learn the methods and skills used in doing something
  • The act of training someone, of providing someone with knowledge, skills, and competencies so that they may be successful
  • A seminar, discussion group, or a similar event where knowledge, skills, and competencies can be provided to someone
  • To give basic information and skills as required
  • To give information, exchange ideas, and demonstrate the application of techniques, skills, etc.
  • Emphasizes providing basic training
  • Emphasizes problem-solving, hands-on training, and requires the involvement of the participants.