HillyTech Starter Pvt Ltd

“HillyTech Starter”

Conferences And seminars

(THE Ranking)


“We provide a global platform for promoting practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through meaningful dialogues, conferences, and seminars.”

This version highlights the key aspects of the original statement, emphasizing the promotion of practical solutions to achieve the SDGs and the importance of meaningful dialogues, conferences, and seminars as a means of achieving this goal.


  • Despite the abundance of organizations focused on improving human life through technology, there is a scarcity of organizations explicitly dedicated to publishing and promoting research towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • This version emphasizes the contrast between the abundance of technology-focused organizations and the scarcity of those focused on SDG research.


  • Organizing global conferences and seminars strictly focused on dominant topics for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) like No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health & Wellbeing, Quality Education, Clean Water & Sanitation, Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Affordable & Clean Energy, etc.
  • Inculcating some of the filtered feasible discussions to be highlighted and then implemented into the society.

HillyTech Starter Foundation will held the National & International Conferences & Seminars

For some, attending an annual conference is a highly anticipated event. It’s a time to collaborate with industry peers and discover knowledge and resources that can be used to achieve your personal and organizational goals.When you attend your next conference make sure you show up ready to take notes, have an open mind, and focus on these areas:

When you attend your next conference make sure you show up ready to take notes, have an open mind, and focus on these areas

For some, attending an annual conference is a highly anticipated event. It’s a time to collaborate with industry peers and discover knowledge and resources that can be used to achieve your personal and organizational goals.When you attend your next conference make sure you show up ready to take notes, have an open mind, and focus on these areas:

  • Networking

Meet as many people as you can. Even if you go to the conference with a colleague you already know, make efforts to meet new people during sessions, breaks, and special events. Conferences are a great place to find people who can help you meet your professional goals and better understand what’s happening in your industry.

  • Practicing and participating

Attend workshops and get involved in the Q&A portion of sessions and discussion panels. Sharing your experiences and asking questions is a great way to help others and, in turn, gain valuable feedback and knowledge.

  • Learning

Attend as many sessions as you can. Review the conference schedule before arriving at the conference. Determine which sessions align with your conference objectives and may provide you with information and skills you don’t already possess. If you do attend the conference with colleagues, divide and conquer. You can easily take notes and share what you learned with each other and your teams. Grab handouts and presenter business cards for review or follow-up questions. Also, see if the conference has an app. It’s a great way to stay organized and on top of your sessions!

  • Discovering

Visit the conference exhibitors. Vendors are there to introduce you to new tools and services that may help you meet your professional goals more quickly and easily. Plus, exhibitors often offer free samples, demos, and fun giveaways that can add an extra perk to your conference experience.

I encourage you to explore which conferences or events might be relevant to your career goals, organization, clients, and industry. Conferences can be a fun and cost-effective way to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your skill development, industry knowledge, and professional capabilities.

Here is a short list of what conferences can accomplish in both the life of a believer and the life of a ministry:

  • Conferences are catalysts for change- Studies show that we develop convictions not only from personal Bible study, but also in environments away from our normal day-to-day life.  That is what conferences can provide.  Often more is accomplished at a 3-day retreat or conference than in a whole semester of studies and meetings on campus.
  • Conferences offer a time of bonding- Often at a conference or on the bus ride to the conference, friendships are formed which bring students from the fringes into community.
  • Conferences provide opportunities– for training and hands-on ministry experience so that they can be sent back to campus to do ministry.

In challenging, students to go to a retreat or conference, four phases can be identified.

For some, attending an annual conference is a highly anticipated event. It’s a time to collaborate with industry peers and discover knowledge and resources that can be used to achieve your personal and organizational goals. When you attend your next conference make sure you show up ready to take notes, have an open mind, and focus on these areas:

  1. Inform
  2. Educate
  3. Motivate
  4. Challenge