HillyTech Starter Pvt Ltd

“HillyTech Starter”

About HillyTech Starter


The Hillytechstarter Foundation is a group of innovative senior researchers who are dedicated to promoting a wide range of Research & Development activities in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Management, Social Science, and Bio-Technology. Our team of researchers, academics, scientists, and scholars work together to tackle complex challenges and achieve remarkable results within strict time frames. Our commitment to innovation drives us to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible in our respective fields.

At the core of our mission, the Hillytech Starter Foundation seeks to make a positive impact across all sectors of educational institutions. We aim to inspire individuals to unleash their innate skills and abilities, enabling them to effect meaningful change for the betterment of humanity in the years to come. We believe that by empowering individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to excel, we can create a brighter future for all. Through our efforts, we strive to foster a culture of innovation and growth that drives progress in all areas of society.

In social sciences, larger societies tend to have dominant subgroups. Collaborative societies, however, offer benefits that individuals cannot achieve alone. These benefits can be both individual and social, such as the development of infrastructure and provision of education and healthcare. Collaboration alone may not be sufficient to address systemic issues like inequalities and social injustices. It is important to critically examine and challenge these structures for a more inclusive society.

The Hillytech Starter Foundation organizes and sponsors international conferences in collaboration with reputable publishers such as IEEE, ACM, SCOPUS, SPRINGER, etc., to showcase innovative concepts. These conferences provide a platform for individuals to share their research and ideas with a wider audience and engage in meaningful discussions with experts in their respective fields.

The Hilly state aims to minimize migration by creating local employment and income generation. The hill districts have potential for tourism, high-value agriculture, and a pleasant environment due to significant forest cover. To develop a suitable strategy for the hills, the state should focus on creating brand equity under the name of Organic Green. This strategy can help to promote sustainable livelihoods, organic farming practices, and attract more tourists to the area, which can further boost the local economy.