HillyTech Starter Pvt Ltd

“HillyTech Starter”

Hillytech Accolades for Teachers at School

Best Indian School Teacher (BIST) Award

The National Award for Teachers has begun to enhance the reputation of teachers and to give public recognition to the meritorious services of exemplary teachers employed in primary, elementary and secondary schools.

Paybacks for Best Indian School Teacher (BIST) Award:

  • A hard copy of the certificate with the respective Award Title and Memento will be issued with the name of the awardee.
  • The Hillytech Professional membership, which is worth Rs.2000/-will be awarded. The Membership ID card and the Certificate will be awarded to all participants. For more information and benefits, please visit the Hillytech web page hillytechstarter.com/membership-and-its-benefits/.
  • The information of the registered participants along with the photo will be published in the Hillytech Yearbook.
  • He/She will be considered as a reviewer for our Hillytech conference and certificate will be issued for the same. For more details on Hillytech Conference visit to hillytechstarter.com/conferences-seminars/conference/
  • His/her details will be displayed on our awards domain on Hillytech web page. For more information awards page, visit to www.hillytechstarter.com/price-recognition/

Document and checklist for Best Indian School Teacher (BIST) Award:

  • Award nomination form
  • School ID Card
  • Profile / Resume including Work Experience details
  • Justification for the Award along with supporting documents
  • Initiative taken for slow learners

Who can apply?

  • School Teacher with minimum 2 years of experience
  • Applicant should have B.Ed or postgraduate degree